Email Address
Phone Number
(+62) 8152 254 239
Our Location
United kingdom
(+62) 8152 254 239
United kingdom
View pictures from all our events
Orphange outreach, Hospital Outreach, community outreach etc
Distribution of food items to the less privileged in Nigeria
Join our team of volunteers and make a difference in the lives of people around the world.
Donation of foodstuffs and monetary support to Orphanage home
Distribution of wrappers and monetary support to patients in the hospital
Distribution of wrappers, food items and monetary support to Women
Together we can make the world a better place for everyone.
Providing clean water in poor communities suffering water scarcity & water pollution
Providing healthy diet for children suffering starvation and malnutrition
Supporting the sick amongst us to enable them live a healthy life
Ensuring every child is properly educated through our education support program.
Distribution of food items, hand sanitizers and face masks during covid-19 pandemic in Nigeria
Communicating with children at the orphanage via face time during the first and very crucial period of Covid —What a global disaster!
Visitation to Orphanage Home